Birds of Jordan presents 100 of Jordans wildlife birds in stunning professional HD photographs by Dr. Rasem Keilani. English and Arabic information, specific to Jordan, is presented on each bird. In addition to photos, the app contains queries, videos, maps, quizzes, weather, and multiple views of photos (exhibition, mosaic, slideshow, swiper) and Dark Mode!Dr. Rasem Keilani is a pediatrics surgeon, and ex-Jordan Photographic Society President and a professional keen photographer.The app is developed using Googles new marvellous coding language, Flutter, which allows beautiful views and smooth design and animations.The App is divided into 5 parts: Lounge, Birds, Folders, Playground, and Settings.Lounge offers a relaxed environment to browse the different parts of the app: Exhibition (staggered photos), Mosaic (50 thumbnail views), Slideshow (manual or auto), queries (by English or Arabic names, folder, tag, etc.), videos (multimedia with sound), and habitats (maps of Jordan with annotated habitats and brief of each habitat with its birds).Birds show all the birds, in English and Arabic, with comprehensive information about their habitats and habits in Jordan, to complement the attractive photography.Folders shows the birds in their respective categories (birds of prey, bunting, wheatear, etc.) and allows user-defined new folders.Playground presents Quizzes, Threes, Swiper, and Weather. Settings allows the user to maintain tags, change the app theme (light or dark), and provides info about the team and credits.Explore and Enjoy.